100 years ago - Suffrage now national law

Editor’s Note: From the Sept. 2, 1920 Edmunds County Democrat.

Dodging the batteries of camera men as well as the various representatives of suffrage associations who might have claimed precedence in “sitting in” on the ceremonial of honor, Bainbridge Colby, secretary of state, signed the ratification of the 19th Amendment, giving suffrage to women. In carefully dodging the moving picture cameras and rival claimants for honors among organizations which have aided in accomplishing suffrage, Mr. Colby likewise avoided the possible interference of anti-suffragists who may have been lying in wait for him with injunctions and other legal impediments.

In fact,  Mr. Colby just kept within the line of dignified action, and two leaps ahead of undignified interruptions.

The night preceding the affixing of Mr. Colby’s name to this important document, enfranchising the women of America, was one fraught with interruption. Telegrams and telephone messages poured in upon the secretary, some advising him to exercise delay and other advising him to hasten.


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