The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

February 23, 1928 edition


The Fine Arts club had a valentine party last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. A. L. Beardsley.

Twenty were present, the husbands and friends of the members shared in the entertainment. Mrs. E. G. Trotzig and Mrs. Loren Parmley were guests.

Valentine decorations of red and white hearts and cupids graced the rooms and table appointments.

Bridge was played progressively. Mrs. Ed Lass and P. D. Selby won the high score prize.

A valentine box was the cause of much merriment. Dancing was also enjoyed. Mrs. P. D. Selby on the piano and Lee Hassenpflug on the violin furnished the music. Geo Loomis featured a solo dance.

The luncheon which was in two courses carried out the valentine design in the hearts shaped sandwiches, cakes and the rest of the menu. Mrs. A. L. Beardsley, Mrs. H. S. Crissman, Mrs. Lee Hassenpflug, Mrs. Loren Hassenpflug, Mrs. Ed Lass and Mrs. Even W. Jenkins were the hostesses.


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