Ruby celebrates 30 years as Ipswich librarian

What an accomplishment! Ruby Bosanko has been the librarian at the Ipswich Public Library for 30 years.

Help the library board celebrate Ruby's milestone by attending an open house on April 10 at the library, from 2 to 4 pm.

When Ruby started at the Marcus P. Beebe Memorial Library, there was a paper card catalog; newspapers and magazines were available to hold and read; the list of library card holders was in a three-ring binder. Research was done in person or by letter. Buying new books for the library was done at a bookstore.

Through the years, when you walked into the library, Ruby would pull out a book and tell you "You have not read this book yet" or "I saved this book for you." Ruby's memory knows your favorite author, your dislikes, and which shelf that special book is on. Just how many BYTES of memory does she have?

As technology came to the library, Ruby has learned to use a computer - she can check the weather, surf the net, order books, and do reports. The annual library report submitted to the SD Sate Library has gone from a few pages on paper to a 13-page form online. The library has three computers, four tablets, email, a website, free WIFI, and a Facebook page. The library card holder list now includes eBook card numbers for kids and adults. Research is also done with email and phone calls.

But the one thing that remains the same is Ruby's knowledge of who reads what and where that book is. That is priceless!

If you cannot make it to the open house on Saturday mail a card to her at PO Box 304, Ipswich; email the library at [email protected]; message her on the library Facebook page or call her at 426-6707.


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