January Weather

Comments on January weather from 47 years:

January is normally the coldest month of the year but three have been abnormally mild:

• January 1990 - Average high temp. of 37° with only one sub-zero night.

• January 2006 - Average high temp. of 35° with no sub-zero nights.

• January 2021 - Average high temp. of 33° with no sub-zero nights.

January Precipitation Observations from 47 years:

• Average precip. for the month of January - .37 (January is the second driest month to November)

• Most precip. for a single January - 1.05 during 2010

• Least precip. for a single January - Trace during 2018

• Most precip. for a single day in January - .59 on the 29th of Jan., 1984 (snow and rain mix)

• Average snowfall for January - 6” (Most snow have very little moisture content)

• Most snowfall for a single January - 19” during 1997

• Most snowfall for a single day in January - 10” on Jan. 4, 1997

Comments about February will begin next week


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