Weather Extremes

Some extremes to this reading are as follows:

1977: Average high temp. was 76° – 12 days of temps. were in the 80s – Only one frosty morning for the entire month.

1980: Average high temp. was 75° – 16 days had a temp. in the 80s – The highest was 89 on the 22nd.

1985: Average high temp. was 75° – 10 days of temps. in the 80s – The first 90° day in May that I ever recorded which was 91 on the 8th.

1987: Average high temp. was 75° – 10 days of temps. in the 80s – 3 days in the 90s with the high of 95 on the 10th – No frosty mornings.

1992: Average high temp. was 73° – Four days in the 90s, with one at 98° on the 19th which was the highest reading I ever recorded for May.

2007: Average high temp. was 73° – No frosty mornings – Only one high temp. was in the 50s.


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