Waldner elected sheriff, Moore heads to State House

Edmunds County Republicans elected Jonathan Waldner Sheriff on Tuesday, June 7 - Primary Election Day.

Several races were decided on the Republican ballot.

District 23 Republicans re-elected Bryan Breitling State Senator. Scott Moore and James Wangsness were elected State Representatives. They do not face competition in the General Election in November.

The county turnout was 41.68%. There were 50.52% of Republicans who voted, but only 27.10% turned out to only vote on the nonpolitical ballot on Constitutional Amendment C, which was defeated.

Edmunds County election results

(6 precincts):

Edmunds County Sheriff

Bruce Sahli — 193

Jonathan J. Waldner — 592

State Senator

Bryan J. Breitling — 538

Spencer Gosch — 256

State Representative

Scott Moore — 567

Brandon Black — 113

Gregory Brooks — 197

James D. Wangsness — 346

District 23 results (52 precincts):

State Senator

Bryan J. Breitling — 3019

Spencer Gosch — 2552

State Representative

Scott Moore — 3421

Brandon Black — 660

Gregory Brooks — 1248

James D. Wangsness — 2867


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