July Weather summary

Summary of 47 months of July that I have recorded

Highest recorded temp. - 111° on July 15, 2006

Lowest recorded temp. - 38° on July 2, 2017

Current average high temp.- 84°

Current average low temp.- 60°

Number of 100 or plus days- 34 (8 of these in 1988 / 6 of these in 2006)

Number of 90° days- 307 (17 of these in 1975 / 15 of these in 2021)

Hottest July- Average high temp. of 93° in 1988

Most precip. in a month’s time-

1st 10.65 in 1993

2nd 8.67 in 1994

3rd 6.19 in 2011

Most precip. in a day’s time-

1st 5.02 on July 2, 1994

2nd 2.80 on July 4, 2022

3rd 2.68 on July 19, 2008

Least precip. in...


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