Weather Summary

Summary for 47 months of October that I have recorded:

Most precip. in a day’s time:  2.26 during October 9, 1982

Highest recorded temp.:  90° on Oct. 6, 1993

Lowest recorded temp.: -5° on Oct. 27, 2020 

Current average high temp.=  58°

Current average low temp.=  33°

There was only one 90° day in 47 Octobers and  that was in 1993 on October 6.

There were at least one 80° or plus day during  26 out of 47 Octobers (The most were six days during 1975)

The most 70° temps. of any October were ten days during 1989.

Hottest October on record: 1989 (Average high temp.

of 65°)

Coolest October on record:  2009 (Average high temp. of 46°)

There was at least one killing frost during every October that I have recorded.

Most precip in a month’s time:  5.46 during October 1998.

Least precip. in a month’s time: None during 1993

Warmest Halloween afternoon= 77° during   October 31, 1999 

Coolest Halloween evening:  -4° during October 31, 1984

Worst Halloween weather:  1979   Rain & snow mix that amounted to .70 and one inch of snow and   strong NW winds.


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