The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune July 18, 1929 edition


Many Accidents Could Be Avoided by This Method-Pugsley Writes Hid Approval Plan

J. W. Parmley, president of the South Dakota Automobile Club is advocating four way highways as a safety factor to minimize travel accidents.

The two way center track whether concrete or gravel, for fast moving traffic and a dirt road on each side for slower traffic, for teams, tractors, pedestrians, stock and as a safe place for fast moving vehicles to stop for repairs would prevent many mishaps, Mr. Parmley said.

The recent accident in which President C. W. Pugsley of State College and family were involved might have been prevented by four way highway construction.

Mr. Parmley explained that the State College president was forced to run into an unlighted truck parked on the narrow highway, in order to avoid hitting a loaded automobile head on. Dr. Pugsley, his wife and son were injured in the accident, the truck driver was killed and both automobile and truck demolished. Authorities declared the accident unavoidable.


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