Edmunds County farmer and Aberdeen insurance agent received national award

Edmunds County farmer and Farmers Union Insurance agent, Cameron Lux was recognized by National Farmers Union during the 2023 National Convention held in San Francisco, California, with the Bruce Miller Award for his dedicated service to family farmers and ranchers.

"This award recognizes individuals who demonstrate the mission and vision of Farmers Union. Cameron believes in our mission and shares it with the farm and ranch families he works with," says Karla Hofhenke, South Dakota Farmers Union Executive Director.

Growing up on his family's dairy and beef cattle farm near Leola, Lux says he developed immense respect for South Dakota's family farmers and ranchers like his parents, Layne and LeAnn and a work ethic that serves him well in his work as a Farmers Union Insurance Agent.

"Farming is not an 8-to-5 business," Lux said. "You work until the work is done. Insurance is the same way. Claims don't happen 8-to-5. My customers all have my cell number, and they know they can call me anytime they need me."

Service to others is a core focus of Lux. At 18, he joined the South Dakota Army National Guard. "I consider myself a patriotic guy and I enjoy serving my country, this is a way to give back," explained the 28-year-old Sergeant.

The start to his insurance career wasn't a traditional one. He saw a need area farmers and landowners had for someone to implement management practices like planting, spraying and designing small tracts of land for recreational use. Lux started, Habitat Management Solutions, LLC in early 2017. This in turn led to him needing commercial insurance and opened a door he wasn't expecting.

Today, as an insurance agent, he invests time in getting to know each customer so that he can provide them with the right risk management products for their unique farm and ranch needs.

"Before I suggest a policy or certain coverage, I sit down at the kitchen table with my customers and ask a million questions. I need to know you and understand your operation," Lux explained. "My customers are like my family, and I wouldn't sell them a product I wouldn't sell my own parents."

As Lux visits with customers about risk management products, he also shares about Farmers Union – the organization his agency is affiliated with.

"Being connected to Farmers Union allows us to offer so much more than insurance. I say it makes us well rounded," Lux said. "Farmers Union members receive a newsletter and their kids have camp opportunities; they have a voice in policy and have an organization lobbying on their behalf."

A 2018 graduate of Northern State University, Lux was 22, working full time for the South Brown Conservation District, farming on the side and starting a business when he was asked by his family's insurance agent, Darrel Kessler, to consider taking over Kessler's insurance business.

"I had never considered insurance as a career field when Darrell asked me if I was interested," Lux said. "Darrell was my parents' insurance agent and my grandparents' insurance agent. I was in his office setting up a commercial insurance policy for a business I was starting when he asked me."

The land management business, Habitat Management Solutions, LLC was off and running at this point. But Lux still agreed to interview for the position because of his family's long relationship with Kessler. When the position was offered to him, he decided to take it because of the individuals he would be helping.

"I like helping farmers and ranchers. I was helping them through Habitat Management Solutions, and this was another way I could continue to do that. Now I help farmers and ranchers manage their risk," Lux said.

Along the way, Lux has had some great help. Kessler retired after Lux was on the job for nine months, but thankfully, Kessler's Office Manager Mary Larson was there to provide guidance and knowledge.

"Mary has been here for 42 years, so anytime I have a question, she knows the answer."

Lux said through his work and membership in Farmers Union, he feels like he is also helping the next generation of South Dakota farmers and ranchers. And this means a lot to the young father. Cameron and his wife, Jessica have a son and daughter: Jameson, 2, and Anderson, 10 months.


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