Weather Summary

Summary for March 2023

Coldest month of March on record in 48 years

 Highest recorded temp:  38° on March 19

Record: 85° on March 18, 2012

Lowest recorded temp:  -6° on March 29               

Record: -22° on March 1, 1980

Number of nights of zero° or below:  7 (Ties record of 7 during 1984)

Number of nights below freezing:  31 (Ties record set in 1996, 1997 & 1998)

Number of days that the high temp. never got above freezing:  23  - Record

Average high temp. for March 2023:  27°  

Average high temp. for 48 years is 41°   

Average low temp. for March 2023: 8°

Average low temp. for 48 years is 20°

Number of days of recorded precip:  9

Most precip. in a day’s time:  .86 on March 31

Most snowfall in a day’s time:  8 inches on March 31 

Total precip:  2.35 (Record-  3.67 in March 1977)

Average for the month of March:  1.12

Total snowfall:  25 inches - Record  

Average for the month of March:  6 inches

Coldest March on record for 48 years – 2023

Average high temp.:  27°

Average low temp.:  8°

Seven nights of zero or below temps. / Only eight days above freezing

Mildest March on record for 48 years - 2012

Average high temp.:  59°

Average lows temp.:  30° (19 days in the 60s & 70s and two in the 80s)


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Rendered 08/09/2024 22:07