Weather Summary June 2023

Weather Summary for June 2023

Highest recorded temp. for June 2023: 101° on June 19

Record: 106° on 6/21/1988

Average high temp. for June 2023: 84°

Average high temp. for 48 months of June: 78°

Lowest recorded temp. for June 2023: 50° on June 11

Record: 28° on 6/3/1985

Average low temp. for June 2023: 61°

Average low temp. for 48 months of June: 54°

There was only one frosty morning in 48 years that I could find for June and that was 28° on 6/3/1985

Number of days of recorded precip. for 2023: 10 days

Record: 14 days during 2014

Total precip. for June 2023: 3.96

Record: 7.03 during June 2014



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