Busy three days for 2023 4-H Achievement Days

The 2023 Edmunds County Achievement Days were held August 2-4 in Ipswich.

The event started on Wednesday morning with the Dog Show. They were judged on obedience, agility, rally, and showmanship. Top showman awards will be presented at Recognition Night. The Dog Show was followed by the Cat Show. The day ended with the Horse Show and Fun Day at the Trail Days Complex with a variety of events. The evening was enjoyed by all in attendance.

Thursday morning began with the rabbit show. Static judging started off the afternoon with over 200 exhibits being judged. This included the exhibits by 4-H members, open class, and Cloverbuds.

The 4-H Pork BBQ was held Thursday afternoon at 5. This was followed by the evening program which was started with the Pet Show. Next was the crowning of the 2023 Royalty. The lucky winners were Cloverbud Princess Everly Kadlec daughter of Nathan and Deidre Kadlec, Cloverbud Prince Brantley Steen son of Lonnie and Katie Steen; and Queen Quincy Olivier daughter of Jess Freeland and Clay Olivier. This was followed by Project Runway and the announcement of the Best of Show Winners.

Friday morning started off in the livestock barn with members getting their animals ready for the livestock judging. There were over 75 livestock entered. The livestock show began at 8 a.m. with entries in swine, sheep, goat, dairy, and beef. The show ended with the Bottle Bucket participants and the pre 4-H livestock show.

The afternoon ended with the presentation of the Bottle Bucket Calf awards and announcing of the secret alumni, John Jung. The Family Herdsmanship Award went to the Jordan and Amanda Holt family. The three-day event ended with the Premium Sale.

See page 7 for more photos of Achievement Days activities


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