Edmunds Central Oral Interp Invitational open to public

Edmunds Central School will be hosting their Local Oral Interp Invitational on Tuesday, October 24 at 1 p.m. at the school.

The event will be open to the public.

The following groups will be performing (subject to change):

• Comedy - Lily Roth - “Get Your Stupid On” by Bradley Walton

• Serious - Alanna Wiedrich - “Speak” by Laurie Halse Anderson

• Duet - Grace Roth, Jillian Fischer - “Abbott and Costello” by Johnathan Mayer

• Non - Original OratoryTheodore Haerter - “Is technology really ruining your life?” by David Ellis

• Storytelling - Jillian Fischer - “Harry” by Rosemary Timperly

• Poetry...


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