Ipswich girls play in Warner Classic

The Ipswich Girls Basketball team will play the opening game in the Warner Stratford Lions Club Girls Basketball Classic on Saturday, Feb. 10 in the Warner Arena.

Ipswich girls will play Waverly-South Shore at 10 a.m.

The Classic will continue throughout the day with the games following:

• 11:30 – Sully Buttes vs. Lower Brule

• 1:00 – Wilmot vs. Tiospa Zina

• 2:30 – Wolsey-Wessington vs. Jones County

• 4:00 – Highmore-Harrold vs. Langford

• 5:30 – Herreid-Selby vs. Waubay-Summit

• 7:00 – Warner vs. Aberdeen Roncalli...


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