One local girl at Girls State

American Legion Auxiliary South Dakota Girls State was founded at Mitchell in 1947. From an enrollment of 117 girls in 1947, ALA SD Girls State has grown to its present enrollment of over 400 girls.

Kathryn Kilber will represent Ipswich at Girls State, June 3-8, 2024 at USD in Vermillion. She is sponsored by the Ipswich Commercial Club.

It is under the sponsorship of South Dakota Department of the American Legion Auxiliary.

Back in the depression ridden days of the early 30s, the American Legion grew concerned over public statements to the effect that Democracy was "on the skids." How, it wondered, could America train its young people in the processes of self government as effectively as Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany seemed to be training their youth in the totalitarian forms of government. Deciding the best way to learn was by practicing it, American Legionnaires began, in 1935, gathering teenage representatives together for a few days each summer in a citizenship training program on the processes of city, county and state Government. They called it "Boys State." As the program succeeded and spread throughout the United States, the American Legion Auxiliary began a similar program for girls. Thus "Girls State" was authorized in 1937-38, and is now established in 50 Departments in our Nation.


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