Weather Summary

Summary for May 2024 and records

Highest recorded temp. for May 2024: 88° on the 14th / Record 98° on May 19, 1992

Lowest recorded temp. for May 2024: 34° on the 5th / Record 16° on May 2, 2013

Average high temp. for May 2024: 70° / Average high temp. for May over 49 years 68°

Average low temp. for May 2024: 45° / Average low temp. for May over 49 years 44°

Precip. for May 2024: 2.35 Average precip. for May over 49 years 2.62

Wettest May over 49 years: 8.19 during May 2015

Driest May over 49 years: .52 during 2009

Warmest May on record: 1977 / Average high temp. 76 degrees

Coolest May on recor...


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