Stain Glass window work at UCC

The Ipswich United Church Christ has been raising funds to restore their stained glass windows.

Last week workers were here to get that work done.

Staff members from Willet Hauser Architectual Glass of Winona, Minn. restored the church's stained glass.

Project manager Jonathan said the first step was removing the old yellowing flexiglass covering the windows. Then they are examined for necessary repairs. Broken lead and glass is repaired or replaced.

He said some small sections were sent to the studio for work. The bottom sections of some windows were vented and could be opened. Now that the church has air conditioning the vents are sealed.

After all the repairs are completed frames are fitted to the window sections. Then a new acrylic crystal clear sheet protects the windows.

The Willet Hauser staff left Ipswich on Monday. Jonathan said they will be traveling to work at two locations in Iowa next. Then he will be heading home to Arizona.


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Rendered 07/20/2024 09:31