The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune

April 26, 1928 edition


M. Plin Beebe returned Wednesday from his trip south where he attended a bankers convention at Augusta, Georgia.

When interviewed regarding his trip and conditions in the South, Plin assured us that if any one thinks the South is slow he has another thought coming. Manufacturing interests are becoming developed in the South. In Gasper County, North Carolina alone there are 104 cotton mills. Many people from the north are moving to the South.

Chain stores go where business is on the up-grade and in two and one half block in the city of Augusta, 14 chain stores were counted.

Mr. Beebe visited with his sister, Mrs. Inez Perisho at Guilford College North Carolina.

The oil scandal is still the topic of conversation in Washington, D.C. Talk is rife regarding Coolideg’s attitude regarding vetoing the relief bills.

From Harrisburg, Penn. to South Dakota the country is no further advanced in spring work that here. Not a leaf on a tree. Rather a surprise. In Georgia however the roses are in bloom.


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