May weather extremes

My records verifies that it isn’t uncommon to have frosty mornings during May. They most naturally occur during the first two weeks but they can occur even on the last morning of May. The following are some facts about this topic:

• 38 Mays out of 47 had frosty morning readings.

• All in all, there were 152 frosty mornings in 47 years.

• The most of these frosty morning readings occurred during 2002 with eleven.

• Second to 2002 was 1975 & 1984 with eight. After this was 1979 & 2021 with seven.

• The latest frosty morning reading occurred on the 31st of May during 2012 & 2017 with a low of 31°.

• There was a streak of 7 years (1995-2001) that there were only five mornings with a frosty reading. All occurred in 1997. Otherwise, the other 6 years were frost free.

• The lowest reading ever recorded during May was 16° on the 2nd of May, 2013.

• The average low temp. for 47 Mays is 46 degrees.

(More on May weather next week)


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