The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune May 30, 1929 edition


Why not a Thrift Day or Bargain day for Ipswich? Neighboring towns are putting on these special days once a month, telling their customers of the advantages of trading at home. Special inducements are being offered by all the business men.

Just this week we noticed in the Selby paper where the Selby Commercial Club is sponsoring a Bargain Day feature. All Selby business men are uniting to make this a red letter day for Selby.

Ipswich should enter into such a campaign. Advertise Ipswich as the place to do their buying. Give the people inducements to make Ipswich their trading point.

How about it? Ipswich is a small town above the average, but we must let the world know it if the world would come to us.

Why not call a meeting of the business men, set a date for each month as Ipswich Thrift Day and make it a big community affair.


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