
To the Editor:

Ipswich School Board

Today, in Biden’s economy, everyone is affected in one way or another. Well just about everyone.

My following comment here is one of a concerned taxpayer in which our hard-earned money keeps the Ipswich School afloat.

As you know, the school has many employees, all who have unique positions, all working in tandem to keep the school functioning. Not one position should be looked at as more important than the other.

With that said, in comes the illustrious school board. The school board as you know decides how much of our taxpayer dollars goes to pay these employees.

Ipswich being a small town, I’m sure the news has already or soon will get around about the school board’s decision in their private meeting, to single out a small percentage of the employees, deciding that they just don’t have as important positions as others and would give them a 4% raise while giving the rest of the employees a 10-15% raise. Is there some matrix that the board follows to make this decision? Do they think one position is more important than another? Is there a reason for the private meeting to cast their votes? This taxpayer as well as others should want to know the answers to those questions.

For this decision our elected school board members made the wrong one and as a taxpayer I don’t want to see our school employees divided over issues like this! If the school employees deserve a raise, then it should be the same for all!

Tod Gohl


Editor’s Note: Public Boards are allowed to discuss certain issues in executive (closed) session, but votes are not taken in executive session.


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