The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune Thursday, April 10, 1930 edition

Beebe Addresses Lions Club on Hawaiian Trip

Lions Club met as usual at the C & C Café on Monday. E. J. Quinn, State Theatre manager and Mr. Hamilton of the Norther Power & Light Co. were guests.

H. S. Crissman and Lloyd Cronholm had charge of the program.

L. T. Mickelson led the group in the singing of several songs. Mrs. W. A. Brown was the accompanist.

H. E. Beebe gave the address of the noon hour which was on his recent trip to Hawaii. He had many objects on display which illustrated his talk.

He told about being met by Loren and Hope Parmely at Honolulu and the placing of beautiful flower leis about their necks as a welcome. This is a sign of welcome. There are a number of kinds of leis.

He said that the Hawaiian sunsets are no more beautiful that those of South Dakota, but the climate is ideal-a very even temperature.

No race prejudice is in evidence there white, black, brown and yellow people live side by side and contently. The people seem very happy. All working and while the wages are not high all appear satisfied with life.

The roads are made mostly of volcanic rock crushed into small particles.

He exhibited a grass skirt and explained that the grass skirt is not worn a great deal as commonly believed. It is a ceremonial costume and worn only as such. Hula dancing is a ceremonial dance and is taught in the schools.

Wm Thielen, James Harris and Elmer Lass was appointed as a transportation committee to arrange to go to Leola for charter night, Friday, April 11.

The matter of the Lions Club sponsoring the Yellowstone Trail Association work was referred to the board of directors.


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