The Library Remembers When...

From the Ipswich Tribune April 17, 1930 edition

Aberdeen Man Gives Out Shrubs and Vines

The account given below from the Aberdeen American is of interest to Ipswich people.

Following out a practice of the past several years, for the purpose of encouraging the planting of fruit trees and vines, John Lauerman, better known as John the Shoeman, gave away to over 200 people of the surrounding country within a radius of 40 miles three truckloads of plum trees and grape vines of several different varieties.

Mr. Lauerman a lover of trees and fruit bearing bushes and vines, is the instigator of the first poultry show in this city also and has had a helping hand in a number of civic projects. He spoke a few words to the large number of people who had gathered at his store, telling them of his desire to encourage the planting of more trees and vines. He stated that his purpose in giving the fruit trees was to start them on the idea and that he hoped that many would continue to add to the small starter.

The plum trees and grape vines were all brought to the city from the Northern Seed and Nursery company of Ipswich, owned by J. B. Taylor. They are all acclimated, the plum trees being the following varieties, Hanska, Opata, Sapo and Waneta. The grape vines were Zeta grapes.

T. B. Walker, Mrs. Wm. Srawford, Mrs. Frank Rulon, Mrs. J. S. Wilson, Edward Walberg, Albert Dahme, Thos. Hansen, Mrs. A. Dahme, Mrs. John Kushman of Mina, Mrs. J. B. Middlewood, Miss Anna Jaquith, Mrs. M. P. Jaquith, Carl Krueger, Mrs. L. J. Krueger, G. E. Stevens of Ipswich were among those from Edmunds County getting trees.


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