Roscoe youth baseball seasons wrapping up

The Roscoe 12U team moved to their fourth straight win, taking their season to six wins and four losses for their regular season games.

The team went 8-4 over Redfield 8-3 over Gettysburg, 15-3 over Warner and ended their regular season games with a 23-5 win over Hoven at home.

Aiden Adelmann led the Raiders team in batting with a HR and a double. Also batting for the Raiders: Corbin Beyers - 1S, 1T, Brayden Heyne - 3S, Evan Moen - HR, Jeremiah Heilman - 1S, Trae Goldade 1S, Jaxson Hettick 1S, Bentley McGrath 2S, Micah Secker 2S. Pitching for the Raiders were Brayden Heyne with four strikeouts and Aiden Adelmann with five Strikeouts.

The 12U Raiders will finish their year in Faulkton at their end-of-season league tournament.

The 10U team wrapped up their season with a 3-0 win over Hoven. They competed in an end-of-season tournament at NSU's Koehler field Saturday, taking a win over Faulkton 5-3, a loss against the Aberdeen Pheasants 16-5, and a 5-1 loss against Warner.


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