Ipswich/Bowdle wrestlers results

The Ipswich/Bowdle wrestlers competed in the Mobridge-Pollock Round Robin on Jan. 16 in Mobridge.

Ipswich/Bowdle, McLaughlin and Mobridge-Pollock wrestlers participated.

Results were:

144 — Gunnar Knittel: lost by fall 5:25, lost by decision 5-3, for second place, no team points

157 — Beau Schilling: received two byes for first place, scoring two team points

175 — Justin Rohrbach: received two byes for first place, scoring two team points

215 — Kadyn Weisser: won by fall 3:25, won by fall 3:19 for first place, scoring 14 team points

The Ipswich/Bowdle grapplers competed in the Kingsbury County...


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