The Ipswich/Bowdle wrestlers will compete in the 1B Regional Wrestling Tournament at Gettysburg on Saturday, Feb. 17.
Wrestlers who qualify will compete in the State B Tournament February 22-24 in Sioux Falls.
Teams in Region 1B include: Britton-Hecla Braves, Clark/Willow Lake Cyclones, Deuel/ Deubrook Area Cardinals, Doland Chiefs, Faulkton Area Trojans, Groton Area Tigers, Hamlin/ Castlewood Chargers, Ipswich/ Bowdle Tigers, Kingsbury County Knights, Potter County Battlers, Redfield Pheasants, Sioux Valley Cossacks, Sully Buttes Chargers, Tiospa Zina Wambdi, Warner/ Northwestern Wild Monarch...
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