James Valley Christian Vikings get win in Ipswich

The Vikings from James Valley Christian invaded the Tiger Den last Saturday, Jan. 22 and escaped with twin wins over the IHS boys and girls.

The IHS boys were about as cold as the weather outside, particularly from beyond the trey arc. So the Viking boys were able to grab a 60-42 win that was powered by eight different scorers, led by Landon Wallman's game-high 20 points. Isaac Korrell and Dax Frandsen were next with nine points apiece, almost in double-digits.

Ipswich countered with seven total scorers, paced by Trevor Beyers with 11 points including three treys. Taylor Thorson was also in double-figures with 10 points with Ipswich's remaining trey. Next was Carter Geditz with eight points, followed by Ian Beyers with seven points. Carson Gohl, Zach Geditz and Ty Kadlec each added a basket. Kadlec's would prove to a first-quarter-ending buzzer-beater still leaving the Tigers down 22-9 at that point in time.

But Ipswich would certainly hang around with two straight Carter Geditz quarter-ending baskets, leaving the Tigers only behind 34-23 at intermission. And they would also begin the third quarter's scoring with a Taylor Thorson lay-up and a free throw for a three-point play the old-fashioned way. That more importantly drew the Tigers to within eight points, 34-26. But the visitors featured their own buzzer-beater with a trey that would build their lead up to 50-35 at the third break. And that would prove to be a comfortable margin to say the least.

The visitors shot 22-41 from the floor, including seven accurate treys and were 9-11 in free throws. Ipswich finished with 16 baskets in 58 tries featuring those four treys and shot 6-9 in free throw tries.

Ipswich utilized 29 rebounds; JVC, 35, led by Wallman's 11 which would definitely be a double-double in anybody's scorebook. But Taylor Thorson finished with nine rebounds for Ipswich, almost a double-double.

Meanwhile, Ipswich had 14 turnovers, while JVC sustained 17 miscues.

Ipswich collected 12 steals, the Vikings, eight. The Vikings would dish out 16 assists; Ipswich eight, led by Kadlec with two.

The Tiger boys (and girls) were next slated to play Herreid/Selby Area on the road on January 28 and the boys only will host Highmore-Harrold on January 29.


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