Tigers compete at Fuller Invite at Northern State University

Ipswich attended an indoor track and field meet called the Fuller Invite on Monday, March 18 in Aberdeen.

Two of the individual highlights for the boys were Kyle Hettich's 55-Meter Dash win in 6.65 and Rasmus Loken's capture of the 55-Meter Hurdles in 8.88. And the Tiger boys added a 4x400 relay win in 3:49.28 ran by Hettich, Casey Geditz, Loken and Trevor Heinz.

Meanwhile the IHS girls' top effort was a first by Madisyn Gellhaus in 5:40.72 in the 1600-Meter Run. (And her own teammate was next in 6:00.12 and that would of course be Gracyn Kadlec.)

Other Tiger girls second through eighth placem...


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